Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goal Setting Is The Beginning Of Learning To Access The Power Within

Why would goal setting be the beginning of learning to access the power within? Well, it is a place to start whereby children can begin to cultivate AWARENESS. What the process of goal setting does is teach children in essence to learn to regulate themselves, become responsible, and control their minds with focus and intention. Very simply, with goal setting they are beginning to think about what they want to be, do, or have. Isn't that what life is about--a rich, healthy, abundant life. Not just to wish for it, but focus thoughts on how to get there. Imagine learning that skill at an early age and use it throughout life?

We all talk and write about exercising the body. Well, what about the mind? Here is an example: I want you to sit and close your eyes and push all the self talk out of your mind. How long can you do that? Perhaps five seconds or so before all the thoughts come evading the mind again. Are you aware that you talk to yourself most of the time? How do you like it? You are your worst critic or your most gracious admirer. If the self talk drives you crazy, you have no control over your mind and bet you don't sleep either because it never shuts off. You might try to push it out but it sneaks right back in. Do we want the same for our children? Do we want them to grow up reacting instead of acting. Goal setting teaches control in its simplest form.

I wonder why most children are not taught to sit in stillness--even for a short period of time. It is a form of meditating and it is good for everyone. It is totally calming and relaxing.  It is not an easy thing to do and it takes practice. That is exercising the mind and we need for children to learn how to do that. Goal setting takes focus and concentration and that is an elementary start for them to learn to control their minds.

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