Friday, January 3, 2014

Simple Steps To The Power of Goal Setting--Step 1


Step 1
What do you really want to be, do, or have? This will be your goal. It has to be something that you want more than anything else because there is a psychological reason for this. If it is something that you don't get a deep feeling inside (A FEELING VIBE) when you think about it; it is not something that you really want. You have to feel passion and an unparalleled desire for it. You have to decide that you want it so much that it obsesses your thoughts. If it is that way with you, the rest is about to follow...

Why do you have to impregnate your mind with it? Well, as you know, you do so many things without thinking. You walk, sleep, type, read, breathe, smile--an unfathomable amount of things you do automatically. That is the KEY. You don't think about them because they are so embedded in your mind that your mind has moved on to other things, and you do these things subconsciously.

These things are controlled by the cerebro-spinal nerve system in your body. The brain is the organ of the mind that controls the automatic functions of the body. For example, you don't say to yourself, "Okay, now hug my daughter because I have an overwhelming feeling of love for her". You would just do the physical movement without any thought to it. Your love feeling will permeate your body and it will feel harmonious.

You want to walk from A to B and you just do it. You subconsciously have your body make all the movements--and there are lots of parts of the anatomy that are involved in that one simple task. You don't think about it because, well, why should you except for this moment? You walk from A to B and basically your subconscious is giving you what you want. When you were a baby it gave you what you needed to do and know to be able to stand upright and walk. You had to do it. You were going to continue trying to master it until you could. After a while you never thought about it. When you were a baby soon to be a toddler, it was all you could think about--getting from A to B.

This is why it is so important that what you want to be, do, or have needs to be something desired more than anything--within reason. If it is, well that is when the  mind which is static energy will give out the thought which is dynamic energy--through that process-- the spiritual--the creative and the imagination will arrange itself to show you ways on how to get what you want. This is not craziness. Do the research. It is science.

THE WORLD WITHIN us is the subconscious. The solar plexus is where all the personal feelings and senses reside. If the sympathetic nerve system and the cerebro-spinal nerve system work in harmony well imagine what you could do?

If children have this awareness at an early age in a simple, understandable way…
The Sky Will Be The Limit!

It is not my intention to insult your intelligence. You know these things. It is just, for some of you, you haven't really thought much about it--where it originates and how you got from A to B in the beginning.

I am just setting the simple foundation. After all, I wrote my book for kids and so it is done in the simplistic fashion. Who buys the book, parents, so ...
The next step is...

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